Terms & Conditions
Our T&Cs
Please review our Terms & Conditions below, and submit your digital signature and acknowledgement at the bottom of this page.
Lightning Legs Terms & Conditions
Lightning Legs Terms and Conditions aim to clearly define what is expected from both parents and Lightning Legs when attending a Lightning Legs class. It is the intention of Lightning Legs to deliver sport and physical activity classes for children to the highest standard possible for all our customers, and coaches alike. At Lightning Legs, we are committed to delivering consistently fun, energetic and educational classes to the highest standard possible. Parents must be aware that participation in a Lightning Legs class is entirely at your own risk without any proven negligence, breach of duty of care or lack of due diligence by Lightning Legs Owner Operator, employees or coaches.
Outlined below are the Lightning Legs Terms & Conditions. Please review all T&C's before agreeing and submitting your child's registration form above. By submitting your registration, you agree to send your info to Lightning Legs who agrees to use it according to the Lightning Legs Policy. Please view the Lightning Legs Privacy Policy here for more info.
Confirmation of Place: Holidays / Sickness Policy
Parents must pay the fees in full before each new Lightning Legs Term. Your child’s place will only be confirmed on receipt of full payment.
Lightning Legs classes are ongoing and run consecutively. Refunds, discounts, or credits cannot be offered for missed classes. Due to our growing running costs we cannot offer discounts or refunds to cover your booked holidays. A regular viable revenue stream is required in order to maintain consistency in delivering our Lightning Legs classes.
Class Cancellation
Should Lightning Legs need to cancel a class due to safety concerns, i.e. extreme weather conditions, weather warnings etc, parents will be notified. Parents will be contacted via text message or phone call. Please check our Facebook and Instagram page as updates are posted regularly. We ask that all our parents ensure your phone number is kept up to date on our register. An additional class will be offered if Lightning Legs must cancel a class. If there are insufficient children booked into your class, Lightning Legs reserves the right to cancel the class at this point. If the class is cancelled due to insufficient numbers, Lightning Legs will offer an alternative class for you to attend. Alternatively, we offer a refund for the remaining classes in that term.
We ask parents to keep their children at home if they have a serious infection. We also ask that you make us aware of the nature of the infection. Any information provided will be treated as strictly private and confidential.
Coaches, parents and children should not attend a Lightning Legs class if they are suffering from any contagious illness, disease, fever, injury or has had one in the previous 24 hours, an upset stomach or diarrhoea in the previous 48 hours, has heavy nasal discharge or heavy eye discharge.
In the event of your child missing a class due to illness, we cannot offer a refund for missed classes due to illness.
Commitment to Equal Opportunities
Lightning Legs have been specifically designed to ensure that all equipment and activities are of value and worth to every child who participates in a Lightning Legs session regardless of race, culture, language, gender, age, experience, religion, background, ability, or disability.
Data Protection
The information on this form contains personal data.
Lightning Legs will record, process, and keep your personal information secure in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Information will not be passed onto third parties.
Taking Pictures / Videos In Lightning Legs Classes
All parents may take pictures or videos of your child during the class provided it does not interfere with the class or include images or video of any other children attending the class. It is unacceptable to take pictures of others without their permission. Please respect the other parent’s right to privacy. Please ensure your child is the only child in the photograph or video. Lightning Legs may take photos or videos of the classes from time to time for advertising purposes. This will only be done with the consent of the parents attending the class. There is no obligation to consent to giving permission to allow Lightning Legs to take photographs or videos for advertising purposes.
Health & Safety and Hygiene Policies
Lightning Legs complete a visual risk assessment of the venue before each class. Any parent child or coach showing COVID 19 symptoms will be advised to contact their GP and self-isolate. It is the policy of Lightning Legs to clean and sterilise the equipment on a regular basis.
Fire Evacuation
It is our policy at Lightning Legs to be aware of specific in-house policies and procedures on fire and emergency evacuations, in all premises and sports halls we may use. It is the responsibility of the Lightning Legs coach to make all parents aware of the fire exits and emergency evacuation procedures they must follow. The Coach must do this at the commencement of every Lightning Legs class.
1. Parents/Guardians must make Lightning Legs coaches aware of any medical or additional need of their child.
2. It is imperative that no person, child, parent or coach should attend a Lightning Legs class if unwell or any members of their household are unwell with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or any other infectious illness.
3. If you take photos/videos of your child, please do so before or after class, ensuring no other children are in the background.
Terms & Conditions Acknowledgement
Please ensure that you have fully read our Terms & Conditions above before submitting your signature of acknowledgement below.